The reason for the sudden snowballing effect of the passage of time has, I've no doubt, got a lot to do with all the sudden things which have decided to converge with deadlines within the next month or so, all pre-wedding, all requiring urgent attention.
After my last post, we discovered that we would have to move house at the end of our tenancy. Unfortunately, our tenancy was due to expire on the 12th December - approximately 6 weeks after we came back from honeymoon. We hate moving, we hate house hunting. We made the decision to try and move before the wedding, if possible, because otherwise we'd spend our honeymoon and wedding stressing about potentially being homeless if we couldn't find somewhere in time.
What this means, however, is that our timetable for the next two months looks like this:
13th September - Jon's Stag
19th September - Final dress fitting
20th September - RSC Roaring Girl (we saw their production of Middleton's 'A Mad World My Masters' last year and it was amazing so we weren't going to pass up a chance for more Middleton)
27th September - Trip to Leeds for bridesmaid dress fittings
30th September - Jon due to submit thesis (thus making him basically unavailable for packing)
6th October - Get keys to new house and move
7th October - Meeting with photographer
11th October - All family converge for wedding rehearsal
13th October - return keys for old house and house inspection to get deposit back
19th October - Welcome to Night Vale Live (SO EXCITED we got tickets for this)
23rd October - Finish work and go approve cake
24th October - Pre-wedding prep
25th October - Wedding
ahahahahaha that looks really scary all written down like that. I need like 8 extra arms and the ability to stop time in order to get stuff done.
But yes unfortunately this has meant that the comic has started falling behind (later and later each week, le sigh), and that the blog has taken a hit. Mea culpa, guys, mea maxima culpa.
I'm sincerely hoping that the strip won't have to take a hiatus pre-wedding, although I probably won't get a chance to do any comics for whilst we're on honeymoon. This wasn't quite what I had hoped (best laid plans of Mice and Men and all that), but alas that's where we are. The blog was (you may have noticed) the first to take a hit, and sadly now it is hitting the comic too.
For now, though, things may be a bit patchy. I'll do my best, but I'm afraid life is a bit insane right now.
Chin chin!
Sounds like a super busy but fun time!! I hope you're taking time to breathe and absorb all the new excitement and moments :)