Friday, 2 May 2014

the Conflict of Wedding Blogging

Wedding blogging is a strange beast.

The nature of blogging is such that you are encouraged to share every detail of things, to reveal yourself and all your plans. Such is the intent of wedding blogging, to show everyone who reads the real nitty-gritty of your planning and crafting, and to document both for public consumption and personal reflection the long journey to your wedding day.

However, this comes into conflict with what I view as the traditional view of wedding planning - the surprise element. That on the day people will appear with no knowledge of what to expect and be dazzled with wonder and delight at all beautiful amazements you have worked hard to create.

So where do you draw the line?

Naturally, the wedding dress is Top Secret - although I have seen pictures shared by people on instagram of their fittings, which seems like an extremely public forum, so I guess there are different standards for that nowadays. But I think everyone involved, including Jon, would have a fit if I let slip any images of my dress, so I have had to keep this secret since like last July, and I am not good at secrets.

But what of the bridesmaid attire? That is already spread further - between myself and the bridesmaids, and then their immediate family members. And also, in the case of one of my bridesmaids, all the women in her office (although they all have approved of the choice, so that's a relief).

And what of invitations? People will be seeing them anyway, I guess, but is it better to wait until they have been sent out before you share pictures of the details? And decorations, plans for music, plans for the ceremony...

I mean the basic impression I get is that the things that Must Not Be Shared are usually the things that people would be interested in hearing about beforehand, and the less secret a thing must be kept, the less interested people are in hearing about it. Which I suppose is natural - there is always something far more interesting about a thing you mustn't know about than a thing that it's totally okay for you to know about.

I guess the only thing I can do for now is play it on the safe side, and deal with vagaries in the blog until closer to the time. Sorry guys, instead of deets for now you get self-reflection and nonsense-musings.

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