Last night I had a wedding-related nightmare.
Ugh, I know. I feel ridiculous even saying it. I feel even more ridiculous that it wasn't even my first wedding-related dream, although to be fair the first one was months ago and nowhere near as upsetting. That just involved my slow realisation that my dress was not my dress as I was wearing it, and also forgetting to put my makeup on before leaving the house, so trying to frantically do it in the car outside the church, but discovering I'd left my makeup bag at home.
You may notice a theme, as the dream I had last night involved us - and that's everyone at the wedding - forgetting to go to the reception. That's right. In my dream we got married, and were having a party in this blank, soulless room, and I found myself thinking "Why is the atmosphere so flat? Why is no-one more excited?"
And then I rationalised with myself, in my pragmatic dream way. "It must just be because you've been building it up in your head for so long, expecting it to be this amazing event, and it's to be expected that it isn't going to live up to all that in reality." So I was a little disappointed, but soldiered on.
But! On the drive home, I realised exactly why everything had felt so lame. Somehow all of us - every single person there - had forgotten to go to our reception venue. I got very upset, insisted that we try and go back and actually use the venue. But it was too late, the day was over, and no-one would let us go and do it again. I was somewhat distraught.
I think I must have woken up slightly at this point and gone back to sleep again, because the next thing I knew we were at our actual venue and having an amazing reception, and not only that but they'd laid on this amazing entertainment for us that involved acrobats and clowns and glitter confetti. I think my subconscious was trying to apologise for upsetting me.
But yes, my knowledge of myself and my family has built into me this innate belief that something, something integral will be forgotten and we'll have to turn around to go get it, or we'll realise way too late and just have to carry on. Obviously this has swelled in my mind to express itself in forgetting to even attend the wedding, but that perhaps just demonstrates exactly how sure my subconscious is that I'll forget something on the day, despite my Spreadsheet Of Doom, and despite whatever ghastly checklist I'll set up for myself for the week before. All I can really hope to do is liberally distribute copies of this list to my nearest and dearest and hope that they're paying attention, which is not, in reality, their strong suit when it comes to organising things. I appear to be something of an aberration in my immediate family in terms of my desire to have clear plans well in advance. (okay yes I don't necessarily manage to follow them super well, but that is just another reason for my subconscious to flail until the day arrives).
I can only hope these dreams don't get more frequent, and more involved as we get closer to the date!
Did any of you have wedding nightmares? Did they come true?
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