Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Lo! She returneth!

Apparently my initial promise to myself to try and update weekly was a little too optimistic. Sorry all! I need to get a better handle on my abilities.

The news thus far is this: We have a date.  We have booked the church. We have booked the reception venue.

25th October 2014. (536 days away - not that I'm counting. I got an app for it out of academic curiosity. Honest.)


 Reception Venue:

GIF to suitably express joy and/or make me laugh:

I also am pretty certain I know what my dress is. I have tried it on twice, there have been no other close contenders really. And I'm apparently at the point where I am having nightmares about buying the wrong dress, which I guess sort of proves it. The problem is, I'm waiting to buy. I figure the dress will be discontinued at the end of the year, so in the months before its discontinuation in December, the price will be discounted. This was the case with a near-identical dress from the same designer which I tried on last December.  The plan is to go to the same shop and try on this dress again in say, July or August, and just ask the assistant if that'll be happening and when.

Did anyone else play the Waiting Game with the dress, or did you just buy it when you knew you loved it?

Anyway, I'm trying to distract myself with other decisions. Photographer (apparently most difficult decision after venue) mainly, although the plan is to get that sorted in the next month or so. But I am really really really really really looking forward to doing the cake tasting. That is my plan for the summer. CAKE.

(Accumulating an extensive gif collection is another thing I have been doing to occupy my time. Because doing something productive like, say, tidying, would have been way too sensible.)